English language arts

Ella Fitzgerald Skit-Scat Raggedy Cat Book Companion
This picture book companion is a complete supplemental resource for Roxane Orgill’s book, Skit-Scat Raggedy Cat: Ella Fitzgerald.
With 43 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic ability. Students will investigate characters, identify story elements, determine the theme, conduct research, identify and find the meaning of figurative language, practice plotting story events, analyze characters, make predictions & connections, respond to questions related to the story, and much more!
It’s the ideal interactive read-aloud for educating students about the singer Ella Fitzgerald, resilience, passion, dedication, overcoming obstacles, hope, jazz music, the Harlem Renaissance, and so much more! It’s a great addition to units on black history, women in history, the Harlem Renaissance, jazz music, influential people in history, or biographies. Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with.
The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, to encourage students to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and to challenge students to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.

The Whispering Town Interactive Read-Aloud Activities and Book Companion
This picture book companion is a complete supplemental resource for the book The Whispering Town, by Jennifer Elvgren.
With 56 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. Students will identify story elements, determine the theme, analyze characters, compare and contrast, make predictions, inferences, and connections, answer questions that require them to think within and beyond the text, and so much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.

Benno and the Night of Broken Glass Read-Aloud Activities and Book Companion
This picture book companion is a complete supplemental resource for the book Benno and the Night of Broken Glass, by Meg Wiviott.
With 44 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. Students will identify story elements, determine the theme, analyze characters, compare and contrast, make predictions, inferences, and connections, answer questions that require them to think within and beyond the text, and so much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.

Jars of Hope Interactive Read-Aloud Activities and Book Companion
This picture book companion is a complete supplemental resource for the book Jars of Hope, by Jennifer Roy.
With 55 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. Students will identify story elements, determine the theme, analyze characters, compare and contrast, make predictions, inferences, and connections, answer questions that require them to think within and beyond the text, and so much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.

The Harmonica by Tony Johnston Read-Aloud Activities and Book Companion
This picture book companion is a complete supplemental resource for the book The Harmonica, by Tony Johnston.
With 43 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. Students will identify story elements, determine the theme, analyze characters, compare and contrast, make predictions, inferences, and connections, answer questions that require them to think within and beyond the text, and so much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.

"Zane and the Hurricane" Quiz BUNDLE
The complete set of multiple choice comprehension quizzes to go with the novel,* Zane and the Hurricane*, by Rodman Philbrick. This resource assesses author’s craft, figurative language, elements of plot, symbolism, theme, foreshadowing, character development, drawing conclusions, inferencing, text evidence, and literary devices within the novel. This product includes 3 multiple choice quizzes that cover the entire novel.
Quizzes are broken up into the following chapter sections:
Chapters 1-10
Chapters 11-20
Chapters 21-30
includes Answers Keys

Black History Biography Brochure Research Project
Engage your upper elementary students with a meaningful research project that celebrates the contributions of black individuals throughout history.
This biography research product includes 84 influential leaders from various fields, making it easy for students to find someone who interests them. The printable and digital options, along with a wide range of influential individuals to choose from, make it easy for students to explore the lives of the legendary black leaders who have shaped history.
Printable and Digital Versions: Both printable and digital versions are included for flexible use in the classroom or virtual learning environments.
Includes 84 people covering a diverse range of influential leaders, including:
Artists, Writers, & Entertainers
Civil Rights Activists
Political & Government Leaders
Scientists, Inventors, Innovators, & Trailblazers
Inside the Brochure:
Cover: Name & image of the leader
Section 1: Early Life: Birthdate, birthplace, childhood, education, achievements.
Section 2: Influences: Interests, hobbies, inspirations, and influential people or events.
Section 3: Perseverance: Challenges faced, how they overcame them, and character traits.
Section 4: Contributions: Most memorable accomplishment, impact on society, lasting legacy.
Section 5: Timeline: Five major life events summarized and a powerful quote.

The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe | Literary Analysis | Close Reading | Annotating
This step-by-step print-and-go resource is great for modeling and guiding students to break down and analyze the poem “The Raven,” by Edgar Allan Poe. This 5-day lesson plan will help you guide your students through close reading and annotating to gain a deeper understanding of a well-known piece of literature.
The lessons focus on different literary and sound devices, such as alliteration and internal rhyme. Students also take a deeper look at the impact figurative language, such as metaphors, personification, and allusion, has on the meaning of a text. Students will analyze how the author creates the tone and mood through word choice, repetition, and more!
This resource includes the following:
Teacher Directions - A five-day lesson plan that outlines the close reading and annotation process.
Who was Edgar Allan Poe? - This is a one-page short biography of Edgar Allan Poe that briefly explains what he is known for.
Sound Devices, Figurative Language, & Tone/Mood - Note pages, or posters, for the types of sound devices, figurative language found in the poem, as well as mood and tone. The note pages/posters include definitions, examples, and non-examples.
The Raven Poem & Annotation Color-Coded - Copy of the poem, with vocabulary definitions, and room for annotations. The color-coded key for annotations matches the colors of the note/anchor chart handouts. A key for suggested annotations is included.
Plot Sequencing Activity - This activity includes plot pictures, event descriptions, plot map and a teacher key.
Assessment - The assessment includes vocabulary, plot, and comprehensive questions. It includes a teacher key.

Chasing Vermeer Reader Response & Vocabulary Practice
As teachers, we want our students to engage with text in meaningful and purposeful ways, but we also need them to read independently to build up stamina. That’s where this Chasing Vermeer, novel unit, print and go reader response journal comes in handy!
This reader response journal is divided into sections by chapters. Each section includes vocabulary practice and short-answer comprehension questions. Not only can this literature response packet be used for whole-group discussion or instruction, but it also works great in literature circles to hold group members accountable for reading and discussing the text. It can also be used as a homework assignment, small group instruction, book clubs, etc.
This Resource Includes:
Teacher Information Sheet
Cover Sheet for Student Reader Response Journals
Pre-Reading Quote Analysis
Chapters 1 - 6: Vocabulary Practice
Chapters 1 - 6: Short Answer Comprehension Questions
Chapters 7 - 11: Vocabulary Practice
Chapters 7 - 11: Short Answer Comprehension Questions
Chapters 12 - 14: Vocabulary Practice
Chapters 12 - 14: Short Answer Comprehension Questions
Chapters 15 - 18: Vocabulary Practice
Chapters 15 - 18: Short Answer Comprehension Questions
Chapters 19 - 24: Vocabulary Practice
Chapters 19 - 24: Short Answer Comprehension Questions
Final Assessment: multiple choice and short answer
Answer Keys for ALL vocabulary, short answer chapter comprehension questions, and the final assessment

A Night Divided Novel Study STEAM Based Activities
Influenced by the novel, A Night Divided, the S.T.E.A.M.-based activities included in this product focus on the content areas of math, science, engineering, and art. Students will learn about historical events such as the Space Race, the Cold War, the Berlin Wall, and the work of artist Keith Haring, who used artistic expression to advocate for social justice. Both PDF and Google Slides (digital) versions included!
Collectively, as a class, the students will create a mural. Using the novel as a guide, students will analyze concepts such as theme, symbolism, elements of plot, character analysis, and more, then represent their understandings of these concepts through art.
In addition, students become engineers as they design a method to dig through mountains to create sturdy and leak-proof tunnels; learn about simple machines in order to design and build a transportation system that can carry a load of dirt and rocks; and design and build a structure that will hold weight without collapsing. Finally, after learning more about the Space Race and how rockets work, students will build and launch a rocket.
This resource includes both PDFs and Google Slides (digital) versions of the following activities:
Mural Art
Teacher’s Guide
List of Materials & Teacher Notes
Introduction: Videos and other resources about the Berlin Wall and the artist Keith Haring who created a mural on the Berlin Wall to advocate for social justice.
Mural Art Activity
Student Handouts
Artist: Keith Haring Handout
Mural Art Paper (3 options)
Mural Art: Artist’s Note
Mural Art: Rubric
Critical Load Structural Design
Teacher’s Guide
List of Materials & Teacher Notes
Day 1: Introduction, or review, of structural engineering, efficiency ratings, & critical load; Planning
Day 2: Construction, Testing, Present & Evaluate
Student Handouts
Student Planning Sheet
Student Construction & Testing Sheet
Student Evaluation Sheet
Tunneling Through
Teacher’s Guide
List of Materials & Teacher Notes
Day 1: Introduction: Hook, Information about Mountain Tunneling, Planning
Day 2: Construction
Day 3: Testing & Evaluate
Student Handouts
Student Planning Sheet
Student Evaluation Sheet
Wheeling Weight
Teacher’s Guide
List of Materials & Teacher Notes
Day 1: Introduction: Information about Simple Machines & Planning
Day 2: Construction & Testing
Day 3: Evaluate
Student Handouts
Student Planning Sheet
Student Construction & Testing Sheet
Student Evaluation Sheet
**Rocket Launch **
Teacher’s Guide
List of Materials & Teacher Notes
Building Background: Videos and other resources on the Space Race and the Cold War.
Day 1: Mini Lesson: Information and videos about how rockets work & Construction
Day 2: Testing & Evaluate
Student Handouts
Student Construction Sheet
Student Testing Sheet
Student Evaluation Sheet

"Zane and the Hurricane" Novel Study MINI BUNDLE
This Mini BUNDLE includes print and go reader response questions, essay prompts, and a vocabulary study to use with the novel, Zane and the Hurricane. These products were designed to encourage students to use higher level thinking skills, encourage more in-depth class/peer discussions, and expand their vocabulary knowledge, all of which result in a deeper understanding of the novel. Most questions are either open ended or short answer and require that students provide text evidence to support their thinking as well as challenge them to provide their opinions and/or perspective.
This Mini BUNDLE includes the following:
Reader Response Questions
Student Reader Response Journal
Cover sheet
Open ended questions for all chapters
Character analysis graphic organizer
Sensory Language Charts (color and B&W)
Character Analysis Graphic Organizers (2 pages)
Character Summary
Character Change
13 Essay Questions
Lined paper - 1 sheet at the end, without a prompt at the top, to copy if students need more than one sheet.
7 Vocabulary Practice Activities
6 Vocabulary Quizzes

FALL Book Companion & Read-Aloud Activities BUNDLE
Looking for engaging and meaningful read-aloud activities to pair with amazing picture books? This book BUNDLE includes 3 interactive read-aloud picture book companions. You will get TONS of print-and-go activities for each picture book, saving you the valuable time you already don’t have to spare.
By purchasing this BUNDLE of all three fall book companions, you are saving 20% off the individual price of each product!
The included picture books are ideal for the fall months or to educate your students about acceptance, inclusiveness, kindness, and greed. Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with.
This BUNDLE includes OVER 100 resources! The included reading activities focus on applying crucial reading skills, digging deeper into the text, and critical thinking. Quick and easy setup, plus clear student directions, make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too!
Students will…
dig into characterization
identify story elements
determine theme
sequence events
apply the elements of plot
discover cause & effect relationships
identify descriptive language
practice reading the text and illustrations
determine how the setting affects the plot and character development
determine meaning and illustrate figurative language
investigate and analyze symbolism within the illustrations
practice personification
and so much more!

Exploring Narrative Nonfiction Texts Interactive Read Aloud Activities BUNDLE
This interactive read aloud BUNDLE includes 72 no-prep activities that are ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. The included activities were created to be used with the following interactive read-aloud picture books:
Cactus Hotel, by Brenda Z. Guiberson
A Log’s Life, by Wendy Pfeffer
Salmon Stream, by Carol Reed-Jones
Think of an Eel, by Karen Wallace
You save over 20% off the individual price of each product by purchasing this BUNDLE of interactive read-aloud book companion activities for the text set, Exploring Narrative Nonfiction Texts.
The included reading activities can be used as a supplemental resource during your interactive read-aloud lessons. Most of the lessons are best suited for students in the 2nd and 3rd grades. However, some of the included activities focus on applying crucial reading skills, digging deeper into the text, and critical thinking, so they will be great for gifted and talented students, enrichment activities, or for any of your students who are ready for a challenge. Quick and easy setup, plus clear student directions, make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too!
With 72 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for differentiating and customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. Students will investigate elements of narrative nonfiction texts, sequence story events, compare & contrast, find cause & effect relationships, make predictions, inferences, & connections, answer questions that require them to think beyond the text, and much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.
You will get TONS of print-and-go activities for each picture book, saving you valuable time you already don’t have to spare.

WINTER Picture Book Companion Activities BUNDLE
Looking for engaging and meaningful read-aloud activities to pair with amazing picture books? This book BUNDLE includes 3 interactive read-aloud picture book companions. You will get TONS of print-and-go activities for each picture book, saving you the valuable time you already don’t have to spare.
By purchasing this BUNDLE of all three winter book companions, you are saving 20% off the individual price of each product!
The included picture books are ideal for the WINTER months or to educate your students about family, persistence, dedication, patience, compassion, and more. Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with.
This BUNDLE includes OVER 115 resources! The included reading activities focus on applying crucial reading skills, digging deeper into the text, and critical thinking. Quick and easy setup, plus clear student directions, make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too!
Students will…
dig into characterization
identify story elements
determine theme
sequence events
apply the elements of plot
discover cause & effect relationships
identify descriptive language
practice reading the text and illustrations
determine how the setting affects the plot and character development
determine meaning and illustrate figurative language
investigate and analyze symbolism within the illustrations
practice personification
and so much more!

The Importance of Friendship Interactive Read Aloud Activities BUNDLE
This interactive read aloud BUNDLE includes over 110 no-prep activities that are ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. The included activities were created to be used with the following interactive read-aloud picture books:
First Come the Zebra, by Lynn Barasch
A Weekend With Wendell, by Kevin Henkes
This is Our House, by Michael Rosen
Horace and Morris, But Mostly Dolores, by James Howe
The Old Woman Who Named Things, by Cynthia Rylant
You save over 30% off the individual price of each product by purchasing this BUNDLE of interactive read-aloud book companion activities for the text set, The Importance of Friendship.
The included reading activities can be used as a supplemental resource during your interactive read-aloud lessons. Most of the lessons are best suited for students in the 2nd and 3rd grades. However, some of the included activities focus on applying crucial reading skills, digging deeper into the text, and critical thinking, so they will be great for gifted and talented students, enrichment activities, or for any of your students who are ready for a challenge. Quick and easy setup, plus clear student directions, make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too!
With over 110 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for differentiating and customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. Students will investigate characters, identify story elements, determine the theme, practice plotting story events, compare & contrast, find cause & effect relationships, make predictions, inferences, & connections, answer questions that require them to think beyond the text, and much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.
You will get TONS of print-and-go activities for each picture book, saving you valuable time you already don’t have to spare.

Finding Your Way in a New Place Interactive Read Aloud Activities BUNDLE
This BUNDLE includes 130 no-prep activities that are ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. The included activities were created to be used with the following interactive read-aloud picture books:
Mango, Abuela, & Me, by Meg Medina
Grandfather Counts, by Andrea Cheng
Roses for Gita, by Rachna Gilmore
The Have a Good Day Cafe, by Frances and Ginger Park
Home at Last by Susan Middleton Elya
You save over 30% off the individual price of each product by purchasing this BUNDLE of interactive read-aloud book companion activities for the text set, Finding Your Way in a New Place.
The included reading activities can be used as a supplemental resource during your interactive read-aloud lessons. Most of the lessons are best suited for students in the 2nd and 3rd grades. However, some of the included activities focus on applying crucial reading skills, digging deeper into the text, and critical thinking, so they will be great for gifted and talented students, enrichment activities, or for any of your students who are ready for a challenge. Quick and easy setup, plus clear student directions, make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too!
With 130 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for differentiating and customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. Students will investigate characters, identify story elements, determine the theme, practice plotting story events, compare & contrast, find cause & effect relationships, make predictions, inferences, & connections, answer questions that require them to think beyond the text, and much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.
You will get TONS of print-and-go activities for each picture book, saving you valuable time you already don’t have to spare.

Caring for Each Other: Family Interactive Read Aloud Activities BUNDLE
This interactive read-aloud BUNDLE includes over 140 no-prep activities that are ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. The included activities were created to be used with the following interactive read-aloud picture books:
Pecan Pie Baby, by Jacqueline Woodson
Super-Completely and Totally the Messiest!, by Judith Viorst
Big Red Lollipop, by Rukhsana Khan
Two Mrs. Gibsons, by Toyomi Igus
The Wednesday Surprise, by Eve Bunting
You save over 30% off the individual price of each product by purchasing this BUNDLE of interactive read-aloud book companion activities for the text set, Caring for Each Other: Family.
The included reading activities can be used as a supplemental resource during your interactive read-aloud lessons. Most of the lessons are best suited for students in the 2nd and 3rd grades. However, some of the included activities focus on applying crucial reading skills, digging deeper into the text, and critical thinking, so they will be great for gifted and talented students, enrichment activities, or for any of your students who are ready for a challenge. Quick and easy setup, plus clear student directions, make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too!
With over 140 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, this resource is ideal for differentiating and customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. Students will investigate characters, identify story elements, determine the theme, practice plotting story events, compare & contrast, find cause & effect relationships, make predictions, inferences, & connections, answer questions that require them to think beyond the text, and much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.
You will get TONS of print-and-go activities for each picture book, saving you valuable time you already don’t have to spare.

Bugs and Insects Interactive Read Aloud Activities BUNDLE for IRA
This interactive read-aloud BUNDLE** includes 98 no-prep activities** that are ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. The included activities were created to be used with the following interactive read-aloud picture books:
*** Bugs A to Z**, by Caroline Lawton
The Bugliest Bug, by Carol Giggory Shields
*** Bugs for Lunch**, by Margery Facklam
When Lightning Comes in a Jar, by Patricia Polacco
You save over 20% off the individual price of each product by purchasing this BUNDLE of interactive read-aloud book companion activities for the text set, Exploring the Natural World: Bugs and Insects.
The included reading activities can be used as a supplemental resource during your interactive read-aloud lessons. Most of the lessons are best suited for students in the 2nd and 3rd grades. However, some of the included activities focus on applying crucial reading skills, digging deeper into the text, and critical thinking, so they will be great for gifted and talented students, enrichment activities, or for any of your students who are ready for a challenge. Quick and easy setup, plus clear student directions, make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too!
Students will investigate characters, identify story elements, determine the theme, compare & contrast, make predictions, inferences, & connections, investigate various bugs and insects, conduct research, learn and apply new vocabulary, answer questions that require them to think beyond the text, and much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.
You will get TONS of print-and-go activities for each picture book, saving you valuable time you already don’t have to spare.
⭐Need ideas for different ways you can implement these activities?
Focus on different reading skills each day for targeted instruction, and have students complete a corresponding printable to check for understanding.
During centers, students can independently read the story again and complete an activity that reviews a previously taught concept.
Work with students on a reading concept they struggle with during guided reading or strategy groups.
Students work with a partner or in literature circles to complete additional reading activities.
This resource is for extension read-aloud activities only. The book is not included.

Exploring Realistic Fiction Interactive Read-Aloud Activities BUNDLE
This interactive read-aloud BUNDLE includes OVER 130 no-prep activities that are ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. The included activities were created to be used with the following interactive read-aloud picture books in the Fountas and Pinnell Text Set, Exploring Realistic Fiction:
Big Moon Tortilla, by Joy Cowley
No Dogs Allowed, by Sonia Manzano
Happy Like Soccer, by Maribeth Boelts
Amelia’s Road, by Linda Jacobs Altman
⭐You save over 20% off the individual price of each product by purchasing this BUNDLE of interactive read-aloud book companion activities for the Fountas & Pinnell text set, Exploring Realistic Fiction.
The included reading activities can be used as a supplemental resource during your interactive read-aloud lessons. Most of the lessons are best suited for students in the 2nd and 3rd grades. However, some of the included activities focus on applying crucial reading skills, digging deeper into the text, and critical thinking, so they will be great for gifted and talented students, enrichment activities, or for any of your students who are ready for a challenge. Quick and easy setup, plus clear student directions, make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too!
Students will investigate characters, identify story elements, determine the theme, practice plotting story events, compare & contrast, find cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions, inferences, & connections, answer questions that require them to think beyond the text, and much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.
You will get TONS of print-and-go activities for each picture book, saving you valuable time you already don’t have to spare.
Need ideas for different ways you can implement these activities?
Focus on different reading skills each day for targeted instruction, and have students complete a corresponding printable to check for understanding.
During centers, students can independently read the story again and complete an activity that reviews a previously taught concept.
Work with students on a reading concept they struggle with during guided reading or strategy groups.
Students work with a partner or in literature circles to complete additional reading activities.

Gail Gibbons Exploring the World Interactive Read Aloud Activities BUNDLE
This interactive read-aloud BUNDLE includes 100 no-prep activities that are ideal for customizing learning to your student’s specific needs and academic abilities. The included activities were created to be used with the following interactive read-aloud picture books by Gail Gibbons:
Giant Pandas
The Honey Makers
The Moon Book
You save over 20% off the individual price of each product by purchasing this BUNDLE of interactive read-aloud supplemental activities for the Fountas & Pinnell text set, Gail Gibbons: Exploring the World Through Nonfiction.
The included reading activities can be used as a supplemental resource during your interactive read-aloud lessons. Most of the lessons are best suited for students in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades. However, some of the included activities focus on applying crucial reading skills, digging deeper into the text, and critical thinking, so they will be great for gifted and talented students, enrichment activities, or for any of your students who are ready for a challenge. Quick and easy setup, plus clear student directions, make these activities perfect for centers or substitute days, too!
Students will apply listening and note-taking skills, investigate different animals, compare & contrast, make inferences and connections, learn and apply new vocabulary, determine main ideas and supporting details, identify and gain information using text and graphic features, answer questions that require them to think beyond the text, and much more!
Students will love the engaging and fun activities, and you will appreciate the time saved hunting for high-level resources to teach reading concepts that students frequently struggle with. The activities provided are designed to enable students to apply higher-level thinking skills, encourage them to provide text evidence to support their thinking, and challenge them to express their own thoughts and/or perspectives.
You will get TONS of print-and-go activities for each picture book, saving you valuable time you already don’t have to spare.